
There's a gigant chainsaw out there and it's coming for me

I'm so scared.
I've gone out for my everyday after-dinner quiet lonely walk.
I live in a very tine village and there's literally none out at this time, never. If there's someone, I just avoid them.

So I've gone out for my everyday after-dinner quiet lonely walk, and as I walked, a noise started. It was a motor sound, and it has gone gradually louder. And louder. And louder until I couldn't stand it anymore and I've begun to run, but the noise was still growing louder and louder and I ran and ran and then I've just come home and I'm so scared.

I still have got the noise in my brain.

Whatever thing it was making the sound, it shouldn't be permitted for it to exist.

But I wonder what it was?


no todos somos "mamis" / It's not just moms

The definition for autism in the DRAE (official spanish dictionary) was just horrible and after many attempts a mainly social-network based initiative has achieved it: they are changing it for the next edition (2014) and I guess they'll change it on the web's advance to the new edition too (it's not done yet, don't know why) for a somehow better one. Whatever, that's not my point.
So everyone is celebrating it. It's on Twitter, loads of blogs, and newspapers, problaby in the news. Everyone is happy. Everyone is congratulating all the hard working moms and families.

It's not just the fucking moms, you know? There's loads of people who's not anyone's mom. Some are just concerned people that don't need to be a kid's mom to try and help. Some of us are just  autistics fighting for our own sake.
It's something we are able to do, and we do it.
We ourselves are part of it.
It's no ggod if you are celebrating something because it's good for us and you leave us out of it-

Oh my, I am annoyed.

P.S.: Sorry for the moms out there. I usually read some of your blogs and that stuff and I know you are working hard (whether it is in the right path or not, I'm not discussing now) and it's not you who's making me annoyed and this mad post is not against you, even if it may look like. Just, "oh, sorry!", because I'm not erasing the "fucking".


Love Berrish / Transsexualism

I’ve lately been devoting just too big a percentage of my time to Manga considering I’m in my exams weeks (but I’m a good girl and ‘ve read The Woman who Walked Into Doors too, and I’m, by the way, loving it a lot).
The thing is that the last manga I’ve been reading (Love Berrish) has got a transsexual character on it.
And I totally love how it’s just a character, not even the main one, just a friend, and how there’s not any fuss about her gender issues (gender issues?) apart from what herself makes (she’s 16 and she’s not having an easy time and whatever, and some people seem to be eager to expose her and she lacks confidence, but you know, that’s all part of being 16 too...).
So I reckon this is really good for the normalization and acceptation of transsexualism in society, much better than those documentaries Nominatissima wrote about and their weird emphasises*. Just click the link to understand what I'm refering to.
I may even be wrong, since I’m not really into this and my focus may be not the best one, but still: it just made me happy.

*Is emphasises the plural for emphasis? My English is just shit-


apart from that..

I had my first exam of this term today! It was English Literature, and it has gone pretty well. Even the answers I've made up were good (malapropism from Mrs Malaprop... was not exactly difficult). and then the essay was pretty easy to develop (How does the plot develop towards a happy ending in Pride and Prejudice and Moll Flanders?), but there is just no topic about which I can not write 250 words in 2 hours time. That's the annoying thing... they should ask a little more from us!

So it was cool.
Haven't seen anyone, though... where're my classmates? lazy bunch of people dropped everything for the last week?

And I'm still thinking on doing that meme about 6 fictional characters I feel identificated with... I suppose you'll have it for friday...

So that's it!
And oh, this weekend is the last of my working hollydays-shit.

may it be just that?

I think I've already said somewhere that I always thought of love as curiosity towards someone. Well, not really love but just liking someone, or feeling atracted by someone. But I thought it was just me, or maybe something related to my vivid interests.
So, you know what? I'm reading a manga (I'm not going to share any details about it just because... yet if someone is interested it can be asked... but the thing is that the main topic of this post is not the main topic of the manga...). On it, "love" is defined as "infinite interest".
So maybe that idea is widespread? I would be glad if you shared your thoughts on it.