
apart from that..

I had my first exam of this term today! It was English Literature, and it has gone pretty well. Even the answers I've made up were good (malapropism from Mrs Malaprop... was not exactly difficult). and then the essay was pretty easy to develop (How does the plot develop towards a happy ending in Pride and Prejudice and Moll Flanders?), but there is just no topic about which I can not write 250 words in 2 hours time. That's the annoying thing... they should ask a little more from us!

So it was cool.
Haven't seen anyone, though... where're my classmates? lazy bunch of people dropped everything for the last week?

And I'm still thinking on doing that meme about 6 fictional characters I feel identificated with... I suppose you'll have it for friday...

So that's it!
And oh, this weekend is the last of my working hollydays-shit.

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